
    First aid kits

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    First aid kits

    A backpack pharmacy adapted for the respective purpose of use and the travel destination is unavoidable. But filling - especially for larger activities or trekking tours away from civilization - is an art in itself and should be done together with a travel medicine.

    Prevention and vaccinations 

    For larger companies, it is advisable to take a quick look at the doctor and talk with him about his own health and to take precautions under certain circumstances. A travel medicine specialist can also estimate for each destination and the type of travel, which additional vaccinations are needed.

    The small first aid kit for mountains, mountain hikes and alpine tours

    This first aid kit is included in every backpack and contains the essentials to provide first aid for minor injuries, to somehow return to the nearest lodge or down to the valley, or to bridge the time until professional assistance arrives. In case of bad injuries, you can only take the hopefully learned first aid measures and hope that everything will go well.

    • Bivy bag and / or emergency blanket
    • something Tapingto fix joints and glue everything - the first aid gaffa tape, so to speak
    • Wound plaster, adhesive plaster for minor injuries
    • little Bottle disinfectant
    • sterile wound dressing and two bandages for major injuries and pressure bandages
    • a triangular scarf is multifunctional, as a (pressure) bandage, to keep the shoulder steady etc.
    • small tweezers (possibly also from the pocket knife), possibly. Tick card (to ticks and others pests you can also find information with us.)
    • blister patches
    • Painkillers
    • sun protection
    • Emergency signal (whistle, headlamp, signal rockets, SPOT tracker ...)
    • personal medications of fellow travelers

    The more mature travel pharmacy for travel and long-distance travel

    For traveling to distant countries, possibly even in countries where medical care is not comparable to that in Germany, a little more sense of proportion and a larger first-aid kit is required. Depending on how poor the medical supply situation is, even sterile needles and the like must be packed, prevention must be considered, for example, a water filter or tablets should be used for water sterilization. Again, a consultation with the travel physician helps.

    The comfortable first-aid kit for group travel and expeditions

    Here, the weight is less important, the first-aid kit should only be sufficiently dimensioned to be able to independently cover a wide range of injuries in a larger number of people for a long time. The content of such an expedition pharmacy is usually discussed with the help of a physician with a focus on travel medicine or even set by this. Included are, for example, so-called Samsplints to hand or ankles to shine, syringes and cannulas, special drugs, for example, to combat altitude sickness and much more.

    Beware of medication!

    Gladly you read recommendations for this or that drug for the first aid kit. For any kind of medication, you must definitely consult with a doctor, and for legal reasons you may not administer or give the medication to anyone else unless you are a doctor. This caution is not only because of the possible side effects, but especially because of the so-called contraindications. Since we can not make a diagnosis, and in any case are not allowed, a drug, even a simple pain medication, the situation for the injured even worse!

    Imagine for understanding the following situation: a fellow traveler crashes unhappy and sprains his foot. You stabilize the joint with tape, while he complains of abdominal pain. He asks for a painkiller to hobble back the three hours to the hut at least halfway painless. No one knows that he suffered an internal injury during the fall. Of course, the pain medication reduces blood clotting, so the internal injury continues to bleed. The necessary surgery then has to be postponed again hours later, as the analgesic still disturbs the blood clotting.

    First aid course

    All in all, I can only advise seriously dealing with first aid measures. There are specialized courseswhich are focused on emergencies outdoors. Not only does one learn how to handle the contents of first-aid kits, but is also trained in recognizing and providing emergency care for injuries that can happen outside. Cuts, burns, crashes, fractures, cardiovascular problems - the whole range is covered.



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