In Crohn's disease Beating is difficult to eat - so I often switch to drinking to even consume calories and important nutrients.
Especially in the push I tolerate only certain foods, which are all characterized by easy digestibility. Since these also unfortunately contain only little nutrients, I put on gentle intestinal power foods with many minerals, good oils and calories.
Powerfood smoothie
Often I make myself smoothies, consisting of:
- banana
- avocado
- blueberries
- Datteln
- Greens such as salad, kale, spinach
- peeled hemp, chia seeds
- barley grass
- Cinnamon, turmeric
The ingredients and the quantity can vary.
Certain ingredients, such as blueberries, hemp & chia seeds and turmeric in the body have anti-inflammatory, so they are definitely in it. The active ingredients are so-called phytochemicals such as anthocyanin in the blueberry, curcumin in turmeric
The hemp and the avocado contain healthy oils, such as alfa-linolenic acids, which also have anti-inflammatory effects as omega-3 fatty acids. The barley grass and greens provide a full load of important minerals and trace elements, including calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, selenium and zinc.
More tips and recommendations
Either in acute thrust as well as in Remissions (Resting phase) in Crohn's disease should be as possible low in meat and low in sugar feed. These nutritional components are both proinflammatory on their own. This is probably inter alia with the intestinal flora, the microbiome, together. The intestinal flora is currently straight in the focus of researchbut it is a very complex topic and we are still at the very beginning. After all, we carry around two kilograms of foreign DNA around us, the composition of which determines both well-being and woe, as well as who we are, what we like to eat, what we do not tolerate so well - to the point where we are! That means that the Intestinal flora also the psyche of every human being.
The editors of the program "Nutritional DOCs" at NDR have collected some delicious recipes for Crohn's disease, which I can recommend, Overall, the information on Crohn's disease in this broadcast is really good, clean-researched, and most of all up-to-date with scientific research. Some very simple, scientifically based and also personally tested and recommended by me Tips on nutrition in Crohn's disease they have also collected.