
    The benefits of hiking

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    The benefits of hiking

    For many sports that take place outdoors, you need special equipment and possibly previous knowledge. There is a pastime that any of us, whether young or old, can easily do - hiking. Best of all, you will not only be rewarded with wonderful prospects, but also with a better physical condition and a longer life. This article is about the concrete benefits of the most natural and beautiful activity in the world.

    Raise the fitness level

    Only one hour of trekking can burn well over 500 calories, depending on the slope and weight of the backpack. Hiking trails are often easier on the feet than asphalt or concrete, so the ankles and knees are spared compared to jogging or running. On a hiking tour through the mountains, the results on the scales are even better: Not only are loads of calories consumed, but also the height itself speeds up the weight loss. Hiking also has a positive effect on blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Those who regularly roam through nature, thus reducing the risk of heart disease, diabetes or strokes. Downhill walking is even considered to be doubly effective, especially in terms of regulating blood sugar levels and improving glucose tolerance.

    Promote mental strength

    Menschen, die regelmäßig wandern, leiden seltener an Depressionen und schätzen sich im Allgemeinen als glücklicher ein. Viele Studien belegen, dass Wandern eine regelrecht therapeutische Wirkung auf das Gemüt hat. Von Depressionen Betroffene können sogar dazu inspiriert werden, einen aktiveren Lebensstil zu führen.

    The practical full-body workout

    Hiking not only has a positive effect on physical and mental health, but also shapes the entire body. Especially legs and butt benefit from ups and downs and get in shape with each step. If you also want to train your arms, you should buy a pair of trekking poles. These promote smooth arm movements, relieve the knees and joints and also help in a more upright and safer walk. Climbing over rocks and rocks requires a high level of balance, so many muscle groups are trained simultaneously. Add to that a well adapted hiking backpack, not only buttocks muscles and thighs, but also the upper body are optimally challenged.

    Use the healing effects

    Health research suggests that the positive effects of walking far exceed cardiovascular health and may even help cancer patients recover. A study in the International Journal of Sports Medicine found that long-distance walking can improve the antioxidant capacity in the blood of oncological patients, which contributes to the prevention of disease. Another study showed that former breast cancer patients were of the opinion that regular walking contributed significantly to their own recovery and an important supplement to cancer treatment showed. In addition, time in nature promotes mental well-being and has a positive effect on the human psyche.

    Promote creativity and strengthen bonds

    Although you can go hiking alone, long-distance hikes often take place in groups, which is not only safer but more fun in most cases. For long trails, which have a higher degree of difficulty, you should stick to the so-called buddy system and at least always have another person at his side. Many German celebrities, such as the presenters Nina and Julia Meisel, take regular walks together. The two used the time together, among other things, to nurture their sisterly relationship. Incidentally, a study also showed that people who travel a lot, are more creative in everyday life, have a better attention span and solve complex problems faster.

    No matter if beginner or already "experienced hiker" - hiking is suitable for every age group and can be wonderfully adapted to your own fitness level. Conclusion: It is not only good for the health, but also contributes to Good of our soul at.


      • Hi Jonathan,

        I actually 🙂 It relaxes clearly, of course, but despite the change in the law, it is difficult to get it medically indicated. There is still no clear evidence / studies that it has an anti-inflammatory effect. At least here in Bavaria it is. In addition, I would actually have little desire to walk stoned through the world all the time.

        Best regards and a happy new year!


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