
    The reset button for everyday life: Microadventures

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    The reset button for everyday life: Microadventures

    When the "normal" world stresses, the (apparent) reality becomes too much, too monotonous, too exhausting, my personal reset button helps me: one night out. A little ground in between, a return to air and weather, light, night and darkness, the sounds of the forest and the splashing of the water. For years I "get lost" every now and then for one night, go out, into the countryside and then sleep there too.

    You just have to do it! Of course, it is more comfortable at home on the couch, of course, questions such as "where to?" Or "Can I just sleep there?". Of course, a friend might look a bit oblique, after all, you have a home, a comfortable bed and you do not have to do that.

    For the little one "Reset experience"It does not take much: a goal and a bit of courage. A mattress, sleeping bag, maybe a bivy bag. According to your mood, a stove and something to eat. Clothes adapted to the weather, toilet paper, toothbrush and a lamp. That's it then actually.

    My experiences with the point "wild camp"Are consistently positive. If you do not set up a tent, but only in the sleeping bag / bivouac sack, it's all so wild. Lies to places where no one passes, a few meters from the path you will not be seen by early morning dog walkers. Do not fall, behave properly, do not make a fire, and do not leave trash. At public barbecue areas, I also set up a tent, which previously caused at most amazement, but never annoyance.

    Passers-by who discover you will, if possible, fail to notice you. If so, stay friendly, nice and polite. I have already experienced a beautiful event: an elderly man said "oh well, we used to do that often, with campfire and bread. But nobody does that anymore because of the many TV channels ". Even a forester thought the idea was great and thought it was good that people wanted to go out into nature again, to experience nature. As long as you do not break anything, behave quietly and stay on the paths, that's fine for him. One should not go too deep into the forest, the wild animals are already stressed enough anyway.

    Get inspiration Alastair Humphreyswho makes the idea of "Micro Adventures"Known for some time - and he does it well!

    So, get together, go out! On foot, by bike, paddling, swimming, for that matter also by bus. Look for a nice spot, experience a wonderful night under the stars and a refreshing sunrise.

    There is always the discussion on what is actually bivouac, and what the legal situation in Germany looks like. I have some points on the topic here Wild camping and bivouacing researched.



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