
    Looping the Staffelsee

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    Looping the Staffelsee

    Heimaterkundung am Staffelsee: a cozy but beautiful hike around the lake, and a stop in Seehausen. All in all a successful day.

    Through the park the path leads shady up to the bay of pigs, Actually, this is the Murnau Bay, or the Achele. But in the past, this was illegal nude bathing, and the locals gave the bay the name Bay of Pigs. In the meantime, there are no more naked people to be seen, but there is a lot going on at the kiosk, and the parking lot is fully occupied. Everywhere it hisses and pumps, as if an SUP race starts.

    We leave the hustle and bustle on the right and go along the shore, left the slope, right the lake. All the world is cycling around the lake in this wonderful holiday weather. The trail is usually wide enough to accommodate hikers as well as cyclists. The cyclists meander through strollers. We meander around walkers. Soon we are on Obernacher moss, in the southwest of Lake Staffelsee. This moorland here is my favorite corner on the lake. This vastness, the plants, the nature and in the background the mountains. I love birches, and they are here in large numbers.

    Now it is not far to the Swimming area near Uffing, There we wash the sweat off in the lake, cook coffee and doze in the sun. It's about half time, so we still have a long way to go. After a long break to get back into the gears is always difficult, so we treat ourselves in the Lido Uffing, a little further, a little refreshment. Unfortunately, there is no path along the lake at Uffing, so we go up through the village and cross above the military grounds, and then come back to the lake near Rieden.

    To Seehausen it is not far now, the hunger makes us legs and speeds up the already heavy steps. Finally, there he is, the beer garden of the Gasthof's star together with his wonderful farmer's schnitzel, filled with Obazda! The beer garden is full of course, but just when we come around the corner, someone gets up. That's the way it has to be.

    Elated, full and satisfied, it is only a short distance to Murnau. In Seehausen lake festivity, music and happy laughter are shining over the roofs, but with 25 kilometers in the legs and a farmer's schnitzel with roasted potatoes in the stomach, we are looking forward to bed.


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