
    Piz Sarsura - deserted Engadin

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    Piz Sarsura - deserted Engadin

    Weather permitting and scarce snow conditions bring us a beautiful and lonely ski tour experience without a view.

    It is 11 pm, we get in Susch (1422m) and start in the green landscape. The cross-country poles and trail signs are already set, but the snow can still be expected in mid-December at these altitudes. We follow the trail towards Zernez and cross at Fuorcha (1447m) the Inn on a decaying wooden bridge. Over the road, and you go on the farm road towards Alp Sarsura Dadaint. It goes on briskly, the skis and ski boots hang on the backpack and summon the snow. From about 1600m the path is lightly sugared by fresh snow. After about 2 hours we reach the so Alp Sarsura Dadoura (1800m)where we spread out next to the path on the already thick snow cover and quickly fall asleep in the most beautiful starry sky.

    The alarm clock rings just before 8, a high on the dark winter time! Nevertheless, we are more sleepy than awake and the sky is not as unclouded as at night. We set off to reach, still on foot, the Alp Sarsura Dadaint (2021m), We still trudge up the slope to the right of the steep step and start to hunt at about 2100m. Here we go! More and less along the stream it is sometimes steeper and sometimes flatter in pleasant terrain to the southwest. If the valley sides were steep and (with more snow) avalanche prone, the risk is now reduced more and more, as the upper end widens and you take off P. 2663 the agony of the way has. We practically walk directly onto the lake at the foot of the Sarsuragletschers to where the plateau opens wide and one can guess the slightly curved course of the glacier under the snow. The clouds do not want to forgive themselves, again and again the wind blows around our ears, but every now and then the sun shows up a bit. In the far right arc we stay under the wild east ridge of the mountain, and after about 4 hours after the start we reach the glacier area below P. 3131, At this promontory, it goes up a steep slope for a short time until you are 20 meters higher on the saddle, from which you should actually have a magnificent view to the northwest. Unfortunately, we are now completely in the clouds, so we have to imagine the sun's heat and the panorama. The slightly overgrown ridge demands again, here should not be underestimated the hot drift snow situation. After 10 minutes we will be at the summit of the Piz Sarsura (3174m)Unfortunately, the 4-meter-higher west summit in the winter can only be climbed with equipment or not at all practicable.

    Since the view is limited to the ten-meter fog all around, we quickly make our way back down. The skis do not wind so hard, here we sit down first and feed our breads with cold lips. But then nothing like get to the skis and there you go! The conditions on the glacier are top, powder and a bit of cover here and there. We follow our ascent trail. The gullies at the creek are really great for driving, but here the snow is wind-pressed and a couple of times we just lay down, just because the skis get stuck. Ruckzuck we reach as well as the Alp Sarsura Dadaint, where we curve stones and streams over a few last pieces of snow and only unfasten them when the first scratches are already on the surface 🙂

    The weather is still gray in gray, we relax a little at our sleeping place and then, shouldering the heavy backpacks, we make the long way back. First the forest road into the valley, and then the 3 km back to Suschuntil we arrive at the station punctually to the darkness at 17 o'clock.



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