
    Fresh snow in the Bregenz Forest

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    Fresh snow in the Bregenz Forest

    Ski tour on the Hohe Freschen (2004m). Lots of powder, landscape and running.

    After a long cold phase, it should be something relaxed to get started, while still easily accessible by car. The choice fell on one of the eye catchers from Lake Constance: the Hohe Freschen (2004m), easily accessible in winter from Laterns. Since we want to give ourselves the ski circus, we start from Bonacker (1000m) off, and it goes away from the car directly into the fresh fallen 20 cm fresh snow. It goes up, the fog still does not allow a view of the surroundings. We follow the alp meadows to the Alpweg Head Hut (1480m), and look forward to the great departure in the afternoon.

    The first climb

    We alternate with the trail, as loose as the snow is, it is very relaxed to run behind :). It's all about the Männle (1501m) and now the ski area is in sight! The clouds clear, the sun peeps with their warming rays here and there. From the reading gate, we come upon a wide track already laid, which runs between the loose trees as through a fairytale forest. Only shortly before the summit you are in the ski area, already at the mountain station. From here only two minutes to the summit cross of Nob (1785m).

    The second climb

    After a long break and watching the jumble of skis of this beautiful little ski area, we will haul off and drive down the black slope to the east until just before the ski lift. at P. 1577 you come to the farm road, the flat foot to the Lower Saluveralpe (1565m) leads. The sun is shining intensely now and we're getting out cream and goggles. Through fabulously snowy slopes and loose trees go up, on the upper Alp and the Freschenhaus (1841m) past. And finally, the goal shows, now it's not far away! In the wide flat areas here, the wind has left a shape that reminds me a lot of North Sea beaches, louder beautifully curved lines. You should avoid them on the steep terrain, but this is not a problem here. A short steep section, and you are already standing on the summit plateau, the cross at the far end of the other end. Still 400 meters ahead, we are now the first up here and pull the track into the perfect snow surface. From Bonacker we have 5 hours on the High Freschen (2004m) used, with extensive breaks.

    The departure (running back)

    Since our car does not drive by itself, we have to go back the same way. That is then first run over the plateau, short descent, run again, again downhill, and so on. After all, we do not hail again until we arrive at the ski lift of the ski area, which even takes us up for nothing! Very nice, 200 Hm saved. From here we follow the ski route, which has its flat spots, and then push back under the Männle. Here begins the right departure! On the map we make a short cut through the forest, so as not to have to walk up the 20 meters to the Alpwegkopf hut. Stupidly, the steep troughs are so small that they are not marked on the map, but still give us another exciting 10 minutes to overcome all five.

    Finally, the beautiful Alphang extends, which leads directly down to the road. The snow is unfortunately no longer as powdery as in the morning, rather firm and tough to drive.

    All in all a ski tour according to our taste :). Great landscape, good length, and the descent is not only half an hour long. Definitely not for people who go skiing on a ski tour 🙂



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