In the language of the Mapuche Indians Conguillío means "Water with pine nuts". The National Park Conguillío is located about 80 km east of Temuco at about 1500m altitude. The Sendero de Chile, a long-distance hiking trail that runs through all the landscapes of Chile, was founded here. On a piece of this way we were on the way with the backpack on Trekking Tour through the impressive national park.
One of the wakes up over the park most active volcanoes in South America, the Llaima ("Veins of blood") with 3125m height. Warnings at the park entrances provide information and evacuation routes. In recent years, there have been outbreaks, dozens of tourists and rangers had to rescued in 2008 become.
In the northern part of the park is wild and green, a poorly penetrating rainforest Auracarien and southern beechIn the southern part is the stark contrast: huge lava fields, broken here and there by pioneer plants. Gentle life on wide ash surfaces. Around the volcano here runs a chain of so-called parasitic volcanoes, lower volcanic cones.
The little one Laguna Arco Iris has only existed since 1994, when a dam was built during an eruption and dammed the lake. It's not surprising that dinosaurs were shot here for television doks! A deep blue lagoon, dead trees stick out of it, and in the background lava fields and volcanic cones. Above all, there is still the smell of fire and burnt.
The national park is comparatively difficult to reach, long distances on the gravel road, which runs through the park, must be mastered. We were lucky and could ride a good deal on the bed of a pickup truck. At the entrance of the park is the ranger station, where you have to register, the car and the attached boat were neatly disinfected. At the campsite arrived welcomed us one of the most impressive panoramas: the lake, wild mountain sides, black volcanic ash, a dense rainforest, dead white trees, the great birds of prey (the "Peuco", A desert buzzard) serve as a landing pad. The village of Melipeuco, located on the southern edge of the park, is named after these birds and translates as "four Peucos".
Unfortunately, I had probably caught a cold on the flight and was quite battered, always struggling with slackness, shortness of breath and sweats. So we were denied an in-depth exploration of the imposing national park and we relied on smaller day trips, walks, campfire romance and much peace. Not only because of the nightly cold we crawled early in ours chubby warm sleeping bags and stayed a long time.
A good source for the details of the park, the landscape as well as the fauna and flora was "En Te", an Argentinean who currently works in the park and speaks very good German. In a relaxed mate-round we learned a lot about the country and the people, they fed us and took care of my cold. Thanks for that!
- The national park authority CONAF offers free maps of the national park at the ranger posts.
- General: Lonely Planet travel guide Chile and Easter Island*