
    On, around and beside the Forststeig in the Elbsandsteingebirge - 3rd day

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    On, around and beside the Forststeig in the Elbsandsteingebirge - 3rd day

    After the neat cool nights every morning sunbeam is picked up with a jolt. The Forststeig runs from the same campsite off with a well signposted footpath to the Tyssner walls then to make a kink to the north again. Then he comes back to the German-Czech border. Here one can always be sure of the way, as the boundary stones and piles are present. Now just keep your eyes open again. Because the probability of the trail in the spruce walls to miss is high. I'm bursting with pride as we find the turnoff. But after a few meters the path can not be right anymore. And stupidly, it is full of marker points, because the forestry companies also use an orange dot..tatata). Often the grass has grown tall in the meantime and makes a path unrecognizable. Unfortunately, clouds are starting to rise as well. Between the rocks of the spruce walls we walk a bit disoriented. In addition, it dribbles now and we start the game: Get dressed, take off your little mouse ... Too bad.

    At the latest when we land on the Mehlsteig, we know that we have probably missed another turn. But we know now our location and and can without further aberrations to the nearest vantage point Zeisigsteig hike. The rain gear we can now start, because it rains now permanently. Now again through the scrub and the Kachenmoor, The path is marshy and the actually waterproof hiking boots are unpleasantly moist. After the Zauschgrund a crossroads with several paths appears. The orange forest trail marker would pass right by the rock. Here is a trail recognizable, which is, however, overgrown with man-sized fern. We take the left variant of Böhm's map and balance ourselves on the crest. Here again bushes receive us without end and we are happy with our long trousers. Now we reach the thief ground and the forest road leads us to Johannes Wacht, A great view despite rain clouds on countless pinnacles, which have placed around the valley. Our destination is the bivouac hut Beutewaldhütte. Unfortunately, it is still closed and can only be used from 2018. So we trot, drenched in the meantime (my rain jacket is exhausted) in the rain Otto mill. Here we find a newly renovated room in the homonymous hostel. Despite the wet dirt track we lay with our stuff, the operators are friendly and cook us a delicious Soljanka quickly. Ahh ... sleeping in a bed and not freezing has got something!

    Further to Day 4.




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