
    On, around and beside the Forststeig in the Elbsandsteingebirge - 1st day

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    On, around and beside the Forststeig in the Elbsandsteingebirge - 1st day

    Fully motivated and late again (before 12 o'clock it is rare) we park the car in Bad Schandau at the station. There are actually still free parking and several days to stand here is no problem.

    The start of the forest walkway is in SchönauWe decide to take the bus there and therefore have to walk a few meters to the start. Lt. Map the way should go off somewhere near the train station Schönau. After a few times, like a hamster in the wheel, we breathe up and down the street, I take the edge of the forest in an unnerved attack. Right is free view of the Zirkelstein, The Forststeig must run slightly below. I still put everything in my lack of sense of direction and turn boldly into the thicket. H. waddles patiently and silently behind me.

    No mark far and wide and on a forest path we are also only briefly. So we walk across the forest. It is slow. A huge furrow messes everything up. I recognize a dry river bed in it and I am absolutely convinced to know where we are. Tatata ... because of that! The forest suddenly consists of thousands of dry riverbeds. At least the sun shines through the branches, so that I only get annoyed and do not completely lose my nerve. Why does not H. contribute so much to the route? Time to bitch! And that after only 2 hours hike! Oha.

    After a long crossing we reach a hiking trail. Gaaanz great. Instead of having landed at the Gelobbachtal, which should be quite idyllic, we are a long way away. Since we have already consumed some time I decide to run the straight, boring Marktweg to catch up time. This leads directly to Table Mountain Great Zschirnstein. There we rest with a nice view. In addition, we (luckily) take the time to address the subtle but noticeable tension between us. Well! I just want to run the forest and have trouble finding the way. I need! Hs sense of direction urgently ... Now he also has time to speak and has the redeeming suggestion: If we do not find the way, that's not tragic. The direction is right, he knows his way around. Do not hold on to those cards that are not accurate enough to show the way! Just run and enjoy ... Hmmm ... so good.

    From now on, it goes by itself. We circle the large Zschirnstein and find the first neon-colored marker, which leads us steeply through the forest to a bivouac  (here all information for the overnight stays, which are planned for 2018) leads. We continue and reach the German-Czech border. A trail to be guessed and the landmarks give the direction through the tall grass. The feeling is depressing when you see the piles in this beautiful forest environment, where a meter-high fence was attached. On the way we munch on blackberries and pick a boletus, which of course takes time again.

    Dawn begins and the search for a camp begins. We smell fire and we arrive promptly at a small climbing rock, which was probably just before visit ... An ideal and beautiful place for us. Quickly set up the camp and cooked boletus couscous ... And it's already dark. And cold! Very cold! H. and I do not move a millimeter in our summer sleeping bags. In addition I hear the sounds, which are so in a forest and the sleepless night is there. A small animal, which in my imagination has mutated into a full-grown wolf, is bustling around the tent. Thanks to my freezing rigidity, I am unable to watch ...

    Further to day 2




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